Where to find the writing of Harley and Diane Pebley

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Faces of Jesus in the Song of Songs

I recently finished a series of devotional glimpses into the heart of God through the Bridal Paradigm. In that series, I made one glaring, although intentional, omission: I skipped over the Song of Songs. I felt this book is too vast to do it justice in a one-entry, introductory way and so just ignored it. Now, I want to go back and pull a few things from this book.

This isn't a study of the book, but rather it's going to be patterned similarly to the previous series. In each article I'm going to take a small section from the book and use it as a jumping off point to reveal a specific quality of God's heart.

I believe the Songs can be interpreted several ways, all of which are valid. However, for the purposes of this series, I'm going to be looking at it as an allegory for the relationship between believers as the bride and Jesus as the groom.